Summer Expo and Used Curriculum Sale

Monday, June 2nd, 2025

5th Annual
Summer Expo and Used Curriculum Sale

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In 2021, Fort Wayne Area Home Schools embarked on a new format for our Resource Expo when we created our new SUMMER EXPO event. We are blessed to say that this new event has been a great success and is being used to fund educational opportunities and events for Home Schools in our area throughout the year! For those who may be less familiar, the FWAHS Summer Expo is a combined event that merged our very popular used curriculum sale with an exposition of LOCAL organizations and resource providers representing the NUMEROUS opportunities that are available to the Home Schools of the Fort Wayne Area. FWAHS invites you to join us this year for the opportunity to find curriculum and resources for your homeschool, as well as to get valuable information about local organizations and resources to help you and your family in your homeschool journey.

from 9AM-NOON
at Grace Gathering Church
3157 Minnich Road
New Haven, IN 46774

If you would be interested in being a vendor at this year’s event, this is a fantastic opportunity to share information about your organization with our local home school community! Our event draws between 300-500 participants.  The fee to exhibit at the Summer Expo is only $65 with each exhibitor being responsible for the setup and teardown of their display tables the day of the event. We require that exhibitors provide their own display table and given that our exposition space is limited, we ask that each exhibitor bring no more than 1 table for their allotted display space. Included with your $65 registration, we will accept up to 200 pieces of print/promotional materials to be included in resource packets that will be distributed to attendees of the Summer Expo. Optionally, for a reduced fee of $45 you may participate ONLY as a Resource Packet Sponsor to have your materials included in the resource packets.
Exhibition spaces are limited, so do not delay! To lock in your space or confirm your participation as a Resource Packet Sponsor, please return the application form linked below no later than Saturday, May 10th. You may email the form to or mail it to the address below. If you choose to provide materials to be included in the Resource Packets, please also provide up to 200 pieces of your print/promotional material no later than Saturday, May 17th by sending the items to:
Trevor and Holli Lantz
14914 Powderhorn Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46814
As always, 100% of the proceeds from the summer Expo are utilized to directly fund activities and programming for homeschooling families throughout Fort Wayne and northeastern Indiana. Please let me know if you have any additional questions and THANK YOU for your ongoing support of the homeschools in our area.